Fun facts about SQLite

By avinassh at

chrismorgan | 8 comments | 3 days ago
> SQLite is not open source in the legal sense, as “open source” has a specific definition and requires licenses approved by the Open Source Initiative (OSI).

This is wrong, and harmfully wrong. OSI are not the arbiters of open source. Their Open Source Definition, though generally useful and accepted, is not without legitimate criticism and controversy. As for their approval, that’s a dreadful thing to rely on for any purpose; <> is a good description of most of what’s wrong with it (it doesn’t really get into the broken politics enough; but some of his other articles contain more), and I like its summary: “The list of OSI-approved licenses reflects OSI’s practical and political history, not any useful, consistently functional category of license terms.”

As for whether SQLite is open source, well, the only reason a public domain dedication doesn’t meet the OSD is that it’s not a license. It’s more open. In a way that is legally mildly uncertain in some jurisdictions, sure, but to call it “not open source in the legal sense” is just wrong.

remram | 4 comments | 3 days ago
OP is wrong, SQLite does match the requirements outlined in the OSI's definition:

It's not "open source licensed" simply because it is not licensed. There is no license document for OSI to approve.

Relying on OSI approval does not necessarily make sense, they don't get to all licenses as your link points out. However arguing over their definition seems very foolish. People only do it when they want to pass their all-rights-reserved code as "open source" (e.g. "I can call it what I want"). Having adjectives that mean the same to everyone is very valuable, actually.

evanelias | 2 comments | 3 days ago
> Having adjectives that mean the same to everyone is very valuable, actually.

Yes, and that's precisely why OSI should have invented a brand new term which they could trademark. But instead they co-opted "open source" which already had a clear, generic meaning of "the source code is available", previously without any connotations around specific license terms. And then due to that prior usage of the term, OSI can't trademark it.

OSI created this terminology mess, and personally I don't think it is "foolish" to argue with their historical revisionism campaign around it.

Edit to add: for numerous proven examples of the term being used for many years prior to the OSI's existence, read the link ezekg already posted below,

remram | 1 comment | 3 days ago
I understand your point, but I am not sure a new term wouldn't have been co-opted (if it was any good). It would certainly have hurt adoption (if it was not as good).

I also like the current terminology better tbh ("open", "available").

evanelias | 0 comments | 2 days ago
If they had invented a new term, then they could have obtained a trademark for that term, which would properly allow them to enforce their definition and ability to certify licenses as open source. That's usually how this works, for example POSIX is a trademark of the IEEE. (the other possible route is enforcement/certification by a government agency, for example organic food must meet certain farming practices to be called "organic".)

Instead we have a situation where they didn't invent the term but they lie about it and said they did. They don't have a trademark and obviously aren't a government agency, so enforcement is left to random people acting as self-appointed terminology police on their behalf. And then we get huge subthreads like this one, where a bunch of people have to argue about whether one of the most successful open source projects in history is really even "open source" :)

rat87 | 1 comment | 3 days ago
That is not clear or generic. Source code available isn't that useful and isn't Open Source.
evanelias | 1 comment | 3 days ago
I am saying that describing a code base as "open source" was intuitive and generically understood to mean "source available" prior to 1998, which is when the OSI co-opted the term and conflated it with a much more specific definition involving license restrictions.

As for the pre-1998 meaning not being "clear", that's a matter of opinion. I would counter that OSI choosing to redefine an already existing term, and then falsely claim they invented that term, makes things far less clear.

Please read the link I included above. That post author's findings completely align with my own recollection from discussions on BBS's and newsgroups in the 90s.

remram | 1 comment | 2 days ago
The fact that you had to change your use of the term back in the 90s is deplorable but is it really any argument for going back?

I for one like where we are (which is not an endorsement of OSI as an organization, just of their definition). The terms are short and universally understood, there is a wide range of licenses to choose from, some of them even got a yay/nay from lawyers.

evanelias | 1 comment | 2 days ago
I feel that the current status quo around OSI-approved licenses is largely beneficial to incumbents ("big tech" / cloud providers) and is generally harmful for software innovation industry-wide.

A fair number of vocal people in the industry express contempt for anything using a non-OSI license, even though many of these licenses are simply trying to empower a sustainable business model so the work can't be stolen and abused by cloud providers.

If you independently create a truly innovative new infrastructure software product today (or during any other non-ZIRP / non-boom-time period) with the intention of forming a company around it, you are faced with several bad options around licensing and source availability:

* If you adopt an OSI-approved license other than AGPL, and your product is successful, larger incumbents can and will steal your work and capture most of its value. You will either go out of business, or eventually need to re-license, causing mass outrage and accusations of rug-pulling.

* If you choose AGPL, most VC-funded companies won't touch your software and statistically it will almost certainly fail commercially as a result. Additionally there are several concerning theoretical loopholes in the AGPL, as well as conceptual problems with a non-EULA nonetheless trying to enforce restrictions affecting end users.

* If you choose an entirely close-sourced model, your chance of success is very very low, especially for B2B products. You're a small/new vendor, other companies won't trust you.

So the logical conclusion is you should choose a non-OSI license which prevents the cloud providers from stealing the profits from your hard work. But then random people will attack you everywhere for "open washing" and not being "open source", even if you don't use the word "open" anywhere. People have seemingly been trained to have a knee-jerk negative reaction to SSPL, BSL, etc and that's a really bad state of affairs.

It's especially problematic that the OSI is a closed-membership entity, and not an open-membership professional association. There is no democratic way for software engineers to influence its policies. As an industry we've effectively ceded control over what licenses are acceptable to a random small non-profit. And as a result of that, it's harder today to be a successful independent software vendor than it was in the 90s, which is an absurd state of affairs.

remram | 1 comment | 2 days ago
Again I understand your point but this has nothing to do with the terminology...
evanelias | 0 comments | 2 days ago
My point was that accepting OSI’s terminology maintains a status quo that is harmful to innovation and harmful to independent software developers. You’re ceding control over what licenses are acceptable to a closed-membership non-democratic entity that isn’t a professional association. I choose not to do that by rejecting their terminology as a necessary first step.
graemep | 0 comments | 3 days ago
> OP is wrong, SQLite does match the requirements outlined in the OSI's definition:

That is true for most of us, but there are jurisdictions that do not recognise the public domain in the same way. SQLite's license page mentions this and offers licensing for people who need to deal with this.

avinassh | 2 comments | 3 days ago
> OP is wrong, SQLite does match the requirements outlined in the OSI's definition:

OSI also says Public Domain is not open source: Public Domain Is Not Open Source

wakawaka28 | 0 comments | 3 days ago
I skimmed over both of those links and it seems that there are in fact no aspects of the definition that could be challenged with public domain software. The second one is all over the place (the author even says he's not a lawyer!) but it seems focused on the fact that public domain rights are not recognized the same in every country. SQLite has other licenses you can use for those situations. The idea that this project is not truly open source seems silly.
remram | 0 comments | 3 days ago
SQLite did do those additional steps outlined in your link.
avinassh | 0 comments | 3 days ago
I will try to rephrase it and include links to Wikipedia and OSI

> As for whether SQLite is open source, well, the only reason a public domain dedication doesn’t meet the OSD is that it’s not a license. It’s more open.

That's true and I do acknowledge this in the post:

> Instead, SQLite is in the public domain, which means it has even fewer restrictions than any open source license.



ezekg | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Here's another interesting read on "open source" and the OSI:
cryptonector | 2 comments | 3 days ago
I'm willing to let OSI own "Open Source", cause why not (do they have a trademark on "Open Source"?), but not "open source". All-lowercase "open source" includes public domain, I don't care what OSI says about it, while "Open Source" is whatever OSI says it is, and if that does not include public domain then so be it.
saulpw | 2 comments | 3 days ago
Capital letters are only useful as ECC, not direct signal. (You can't pronounce them, they aren't preserved in many contexts, the lay writer won't respect them, etc).

Your idea is like saying "Google" can be a trademark owned by Alphabet but "google" is just a verb. It seems like a cute linguistic hack but won't be meaningful in the public discourse.

cryptonector | 1 comment | 3 days ago
> Capital letters are only useful as ECC, not direct signal. (You can't pronounce them, they aren't preserved in many contexts, the lay writer won't respect them, etc).

In speech I clarify if and when needed, naturally.

> Your idea is like saying "Google" can be a trademark owned by Alphabet but "google" is just a verb. It seems like a cute linguistic hack but won't be meaningful in the public discourse.

You have it exactly backwards. Descriptively "to google" is a verb.

Descriptivism is much better than prescriptivism in natural language. Sure, we need to use prescriptivism when teaching the language, but we do get to evolve the language. That's just how it goes and has gone for the entire recorded history of mankind.

psychoslave | 1 comment | 3 days ago
Are you trying to subtly prescribe that descriptivism is better than prescriptivism? :)
cryptonector | 0 comments | 3 days ago
A bit, yeah :)
wat10000 | 1 comment | 3 days ago
Try pronouncing the word “Polish.”
chuckadams | 1 comment | 3 days ago
Or helping your uncle Jack off a horse.
Clamchop | 1 comment | 2 days ago
The Polish example only works because it's a different word, and yours only works because of implied but unwritten punctuation.

Neither is pronouncing a capital letter, whatever that means. It's why people have to say things like "capital P Political".

wat10000 | 0 comments | 2 days ago
The fact that “Polish” and “polish” are different words is the whole point. The other commenter was saying capital letters aren’t signal, and yet.
rad_gruchalski | 1 comment | 3 days ago
Quite an interesting rabbit hole to explore. Apparently OSI holds a US trademark for “Open Source Initiative Approved License”, but no trademark for “open source” by itself.
ska | 1 comment | 3 days ago
Hardly surprising because the idiomatic usage of "open source" predates OSI.
cryptonector | 1 comment | 3 days ago
Apparently not by a lot, but it does indeed.
mbreese | 1 comment | 3 days ago
The term definitely preceded the organization. The term was in use for years before OSI was formed. And OSI was clearly formed in order to provide some clarity to what was meant by “open source”. In other words, if there was no ambiguity in the phrase “open source”, OSI would never have been created.
cryptonector | 0 comments | 3 days ago
And the best way to handle this ambiguity is to use "Open Source" when referring to OSI's definition, and "open source" when referring to the colloquial and ill-defined form.
red_admiral | 2 comments | 3 days ago
Indeed, it seems to me that Public Domain is what Open Source should have been in the first place.

The free as in freedom, but not as in free beer quadrant doesn't work too well, especially for individual developers.

dec0dedab0de | 0 comments | 3 days ago
You can release a binary as public domain.

Also, I believe that public domain as a concept does not exist in some countries. if i remember correctly the concern is that without a license the original author could change their mind and sue.

But any public domain software also matches the fsf and osi definition of free software and open source respectively. Atleast in jurisdictions where public domain exists.

You may be confusing things with copy-left, which is designed to protect users from developers. The gpl is a copy-left license.

sneak | 1 comment | 3 days ago
There is an argument that without the copyleft provisions of the GPL (sometimes described as a virus), free software would not be as popular and important as it is today.
psychoslave | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Humanity also was described as a virus, see for example The Matrix. Also capitalism, communism, socialism, any political system, religions, philosophies, cultures, and anything you might relate or hate at mental level.

Even the idea that whatever we dislike that gains more than zero popularity should be compared to a virus, this meme spreads like a virus.

gcau | 0 comments | 3 days ago
You are 100% correct. Open source has a common definition the vast majority of the world uses, a company can proclaim their own definition, but it doesn't magically change the language. Nobody is thinking about, or even aware of, the OSI, when using the term. The correct term people should be using is "OSI approved", or something similar, although that's no more meaningful or useful as a "bob approved" license, where bob is some random nobody.
mschuster91 | 3 comments | 3 days ago
The thing is, in many corporate and government settings, OSI is trusted by default as "this is open source", and anything not explicitly covered by OSI will cause you a world of pain with your legal department to get an exception.
WaxProlix | 1 comment | 3 days ago
And yet sqlite is the most distributed database code on the planet by an order of magnitude.
datavirtue | 1 comment | 3 days ago
No one does any due diligence on software. It's a free for all.
sroussey | 1 comment | 3 days ago
It’s distributed in MacOS, Chrome, Firefox, etc. I think these companies do due diligence.
datavirtue | 0 comments | 16 hours ago
Edge case. In every company on the surface of this continent people import libraries and run software with no idea what is under the hood and whether they are compliant with all the applicable license agreements. Some clumsy attempts are made for major systems in some companies, but again, edge cases.
red_admiral | 3 comments | 3 days ago
What part of Public Domain do these legal departments not understand?
hermitdev | 3 comments | 3 days ago
It's not that they don't understand; it's that it causes more work for the lawyers, because someone has to review the license if it's not one of the standard boilerplate acceptable licenses.

I once had to go to lawyers to get a license approved on a lib that went something along the lines of "this work is in the public domain; do whatever the fuck you want with it, just don't come crawling to me for help". I'm paraphrasing from ~20-year-old memories here, but I do distinctly remember the profanity. It elicited a chuckle from the lawyer and something along the lines of "I wish all of these were this simple".

wat10000 | 0 comments | 3 days ago
JSLint had a standard open source license with an addition that said “The Software should be used for Good, not Evil.”

IBM wanted to use it but their lawyers balked at the added restriction. They wrote to the author to see if it could be removed. The author wrote back with, “I give permission for IBM, its customers, partners, and minions, to use JSLint for evil.”

8organicbits | 0 comments | 3 days ago
If you're doing this sort of license analysis, try a license detector I built. It tries to guess which license was used and diff any changes. Lots of licenses are small changes from others, so it usually makes multiple guesses.

emmelaich | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Sounds like


rcxdude | 0 comments | 3 days ago
They understand quite well that it's not really something you can just neatly place a piece of work into. Something which is 'public domain' but the copyright has not actually expired on is higher risk to use than something with an explicit open source license.
monocasa | 1 comment | 3 days ago
The US isn't the only jurisdiction, and public domain isn't a concept in all jurisdictions.
jazzyjackson | 3 comments | 3 days ago
But in this jurisdictions without a concept of public domain, who is going to come after you for using software without an explicit license?
charrondev | 0 comments | 3 days ago
That’s not enough which is why this page exists:

debugnik | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Software without an explicit license has all rights reserved, so presumably the author, if they ever regretted releasing their rights in the US.
monocasa | 0 comments | 3 days ago
I mean, like Germany?

And legal departments don't really like the "but, like, what's the chance they actually use us?" argument.

belter | 2 comments | 3 days ago
You commented before reading...Unless the author updated the blog in the meanwhile. Because point 6 says: "Instead, SQLite is in the public domain, which means it has even fewer restrictions than any open source license."
Filligree | 2 comments | 3 days ago
Which is not a thing in my jurisdiction, and so as far as I can tell it’s treated as being proprietary and unlicensed.
somat | 3 comments | 3 days ago
This is an interesting case to me and thus my questions. Don't feel you need to answer to some stranger on the internet interrogating you.

Public domain is largely a US government concept, I think the was the main reason that sqlite was put "in the public domain" it started and was initially payed for as an internal database for some military contract. So when Dr. H wanted to release it to the public he did it in the normal US government method which was public domain.

Would you legally be able to use nasa papers or programs? these are also in the public domain.

A short essay on public domain, because I am feeling a bit philosophic this morning.

As far as I know public domain is a concept that originated in the US when it was a new country(probably wrong and US centric). The question was who owns works created by a government "of the people", the answer was "the people" so it was formalized that US government works were not protected by copyright[note 1] and were in the "public domain" at first this was just laws, and when government research organizations(nasa etc..) were founded their works, the research they did, was also "public domain"

It really is an open question whether private citizens can also declaim any copyright on a work, declare it "for the public good" and put it in the public domain. Are you allowed to give up your rights?

1. The US government is able to protect it's works through mechanisms other than copyright, think classification levels. top secret etc..

Filligree | 1 comment | 3 days ago
I'm not allowed to give up my rights, no.

As for NASA papers and such... I have no idea. If I were running a company I'd be able to ask a lawyer; as it stands, I'm taking the risk that the SQLite authors don't sue.

bmacho | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Making your work public domain is not "giving up your rights". It would be the exact opposite: practicing your right to transfer your IP. Being able to transfer or sell your IP would be an important right.

Similar to physical property: being able to sell it or to give it to the public is an important right. (Okay, you probably can't give your American land to everyone in the world, but only for practical reasons, and not for some fundamental reason like that would be "giving away your rights". No, that would be the opposite: your land, you do whatever you want with it.)

shakna | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Over in Australia, the question of whether private citizens can also declaim any copyright on a work is resolved: We can't.

We're allowed to use public domain works, but we cannot declaim the work. Your copyright has a fixed term, which outlives you. Fin. You cannot surrender a right - as that has caused abuse issues in the past.

No right can be surrendered, but some may be suspended temporarily by a narrow set of laws I wish was even narrower.

Unfortunately... This does mean we can't work on Public Domain projects (legally), as we keep our copyright to our changes. Though practically, that has only been contested once in the history of the nation. The intent of the individual tends to be respected by our Common Law system.

i.e. PD is a signal the creator wants a free and boundless reuse of the product, even if it isn't strictly in the public domain.

wtallis | 0 comments | 3 days ago
I think public domain is a much more universal concept, as the state to which works revert to after copyright expires. What's more US-centric is the idea of deliberately placing a work into public domain prematurely.
rustc | 3 comments | 3 days ago
Is using SQLite without buying a license [1] really illegal in your jurisdiction?


franga2000 | 0 comments | 3 days ago
I don't see how it could possibly could be illegal in any jurisdiction.

The only part of the US public domain that won't fly in many countries is the waiver of moral rights (mainly the right to attribution). Since my country does not allow this waiver, the authors might be able to sue me in my jurisdiction if I started claiming to be the author of the code, which would have been ok in the US. But the voluntary non-exclusive transfer of usage, modification and distribution rights is surely allowed in every jurisdiction, so there is no reason that that part of the dedication would not be valid.

And if there exists a jurisdiction where the transfer of material rights isn't allowed at all, selling a license also wouldn't fix anything. Unless there's a jurisdiction out there somewhere that allows the transfer only in exchange for money or in a one-on-one contract, but then open source licenses also wouldn't apply there and I feel like I would've heard about it as a fun fact somewhere on the Internet by now...

Filligree | 0 comments | 3 days ago
As far as I can tell, yes. It's a grey zone, because it'd fall under civil law, not criminal; so SQLite's copyright owners would need to bring suit against me for it to matter, which I don't believe they will.

However, on the face of it I have no right to use the software without buying a license.

nicbn | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Would it be possible for someone within a compatible jurisdiction to mirror SQLite3 and provide it under some license such that it could be used by anyone?
causal | 0 comments | 3 days ago
That's the point. It should still be considered open source.
hitekker | 4 comments | 3 days ago
This blog feels like karma farming. Recycled, old points in listicle format on a popular topic with questionable accuracy. This is on top of mixing in grievances the author's startup holds against Dr Richard Hipp, like "won't accept (our) outside contributions" and "not actually open source according to OSI".

As far as content goes, this listicle is probably great for view counts/engagement/flamewars. I'd personally prefer deeper thinking which this blog's previous posts-- high in hype and low in technical rigor-- have not yet provided.

avinassh | 7 comments | 3 days ago
> Recycled, old points in listicle format on a popular topic with questionable accuracy.

Could you please state which are inaccurate? I am happy to correct them.

As for the rest of the comment, well, I don't know what to say. I am a beginner in databases and I am journaling the things I'm learning. Some of my posts might not have depth because I don't know much myself.

mtlynch | 2 comments | 3 days ago
Your post:

>There are over one trillion (1000000000000 or a million million) SQLite databases in active use.

The original source[0] (which you don't link to):

>Since SQLite is used extensively in every smartphone, and there are more than 4.0 billion (4.0e9) smartphones in active use, each holding hundreds of SQLite database files, it is seems likely that there are over one trillion (1e12) SQLite databases in active use.

You're changing speculation to a fact.


Kwpolska | 1 comment | 3 days ago
And by the way, pasting screenshots instead of linking to sources is very uncool.
avinassh | 1 comment | 3 days ago
hey, I do provide all the sources at the end!

In the initial draft, I kept links next to text and the images, but I didn't like it aesthetically. So I moved all them to the bottom.

Kwpolska | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Sources at the end without any references to them in the text is not a good way to cite things.

There’s no good reason to use images in your post, other than the one graph. Images of text are a necessity on Twitter, but this is a real web page, where you can just have plaintext. Images of text are completely useless for readers with any accessibility needs.

avinassh | 1 comment | 3 days ago
> The original source[0] (which you don't link to):

this is simply untrue! This is the first link in the sources.

I do highlight this part specifically in the image as well.

mtlynch | 0 comments | 2 days ago
I didn't see that, but that's also a non-standard and unclear way to cite a source, which is why I and many others didn't see it.

Also, you didn't address my main criticism, which is that you made a claim that's stronger than what your source says.

seritools | 1 comment | 3 days ago
> I hate that it doesn’t have types. It’s totally YOLO:

SQLite _does_ support strict column types since 3.37:

avinassh | 0 comments | 3 days ago
I have covered in the blog already, no?

> Strong typed columns are opt-in.

I will rephrase this

chasil | 0 comments | 3 days ago
I am fairly certain that Dr. Hipp has discussed changes in SQLite that were desired by Microsoft for integration into Windows, which came to pass via a foundation membership.

I believe that this was mentioned in the video below (I am not able to verify for now):

It would be interesting to see what is required for an organization to negotiate non-trivial changes in SQLite.

kerblang | 2 comments | 3 days ago
Didn't see this comment before complaining in a separate comment, but a destroyer is not a battleship.

themadturk | 0 comments | 3 days ago
In the OP's defense, I see this usage increasingly, as in designating any combatant ship as a "battleship" (even being used for sailing ships). It's not correct, but then neither is "alright" in place of "all right": the language changes whether we want it to or not.
avinassh | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Both the words "Battleship" and "War ship" are used by DRH to describe USS Oscar Austin, so I used the same.

I did not know about distinction, so TIL!

7thpower | 1 comment | 3 days ago
I just wanted to chime in and say I hope you keep it up; not only learning and creating the content, but also engaging.
avinassh | 0 comments | 3 days ago
thank you for your kind words!
simplegeek | 0 comments | 3 days ago
A little off topic, but just wanted to say please keep blogging. I learn from your content as I’m also a beginner in databases.
xhkkffbf | 0 comments | 2 days ago
I don't know if this is an inaccuracy per se, but it seems like (7) and (8) are in contradiction. One says they don't accept outside contributions and the other says, "Contributing to SQLite is invite-only".
johnfn | 0 comments | 3 days ago
> I'd personally prefer deeper thinking which this blog's previous posts-- high in hype and low in technical rigor-- have not yet provided.

Really? Something like this[1] (literally the previous post made by the author!) is "high in hype and low in technical rigor"? Or do you just have an axe to grind?


radicalriddler | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Agreed. I think I saw it on twitter, quick squiz of the first couple points and then closed it. Was surprised to see it on HN.
bbkane | 0 comments | 3 days ago
This comment feels like "old man yells at clouds". Vague, non-specific points about the accuracy of the article. This is on top of mixing in grievances with the author non-judgmentally listing and citing facts about SQLite's contribution model and license.

As far as the content goes, this comment is probably great for view counts/engagement/flamewars. I'd personally prefer deeper thinking, which this author's previous comments-- usually fun and interesting-- have provided ;)

chrismorgan | 1 comment | 3 days ago
> SQLite does not have a Code of Conduct (CoC), rather Code of Ethics

There was confusion over this, because of different usage of words. Simplifying well beyond the point of strict accuracy, a CoC is a weapon to bind and control external contributors’ behaviour, the CoE is SQLite developers declaring their intended conduct towards others.

> SQLite is pronounced as “Ess-Cue-El-Lite”.

This doesn’t match the quote that follows, which says “S-Q-L-ite, like a mineral”. And that’s just how one guy chooses to pronounce it
 I wonder how many others do; certainly I’ve never heard it.

dkjaudyeqooe | 6 comments | 3 days ago
There is some controversy over how to pronounce SQL with some using S-Q-L and others (like me) pronouncing it like the word "sequel".

I believe the latter is the correct name for historical reasons. IBM originally named SQL 'SEQUEL' but were forced to rename it for trademark reasons.

So I pronounce SQLite sequelite.

chrismorgan | 1 comment | 3 days ago
> So I pronounce SQLite sequelite.

This is by far the most popular pronunciation I’ve encountered, and I think by far the most practical one too.

tucnak | 1 comment | 3 days ago
Popular in America, but not elsewhere.
lucasoshiro | 2 comments | 3 days ago
I also never heard it. In Brazil I only have heard SQL pronunced as sequel in NoSQL. SQLite is mostly pronounced S-Q-Light here, with the S and Q in Portuguese (weird, but it happens often)
rphln | 0 comments | 3 days ago
> with the S and Q in Portuguese

Guilty as charged. Pronouncing letters and numbers in English requires an active mental effort for me, so that happens if I'm not paying attention. I guess it's because they don't really register as another language, even with context. My inner monologue also does letters and numbers in Portuguese, which doesn't help either.

Izkata | 1 comment | 3 days ago
In the US, I also say S-Q-Light.
quasarj | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Weird, I thought this was settled years ago, and it's obviously sequel. I guess we all live in our own echo chambers
conductr | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Some time around 2008-2012, I think, my habit shifted from saying S Q L to SEQUEL in most cases. Even internal voice, when thinking/reading, still says SEQUAL now. Even things like My S Q L became My SEQUEL.

I feel like I made that shift due to how people around me, and how public speakers, were aligning on it too, it felt to me that the nomenclature was unifying a bit as linguistics evolve and change a bit over normal course of time. I remember the shift was not easy and I had to put intention into it and it took a bit of time to make it feel natural. Although, I’ve never thought about this too deeply and as I write it I’m Not sure how others would respond to my memory of it. I’m sure it’s very regional, and now age dependent as I’m sure if I was passed mid career at that time i wouldn’t have budged on my preferred terminology but also there’s many people who maybe are just too young to understand the time and trend that I remember. Or just my own experience and there was nothing really unifying at all.

somat | 1 comment | 3 days ago
For what it's worth(not much), but if we are doing a survey...

(US/western, not coastal)

I pronounce it ess que lite.

and always letter out SQL.

postgresql is the tricky one, naively there is no good way to pronounce it. so when formal I say "postgres Q L" but mostly just call it postgres

and because of the previous cases I have started slurring mysql, easily the most pronounceable one into "mys Q L"

Microsofts SQL server (which I have never actually used, and almost never talk about) is simply "S Q L server"

breakingcups | 0 comments | 3 days ago
I've never heard anyone not say "sequel server" for Microsoft's SQL Server
axus | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Spite is a legitimate reason to choose a pronunciation.
fatboy | 0 comments | 3 days ago
I remember hearing an interview with Richard Hipp where he said he pronounced it as you do ("rhymes with kryptonite" I think he may have said, or perhaps "like a mineral").

I'd always pronounced it in my head S-Q-L-Lite up until that point, but I much prefer this other way that I'd never considered. It rolls off the tongue easier and adds a bit of fancy.

bun_terminator | 1 comment | 3 days ago
I have never heard anything else but S-Q-L, in multiple workplaces. What I was new to databases I started with the history lesson, but was quickly corrected to pronounce it S-Q-L.

I don't even know anymore, nor does anyone else I think

akavi | 0 comments | 3 days ago
As an alternate datapoint, I've almost solely (by a 90% majority or more) heard "sequel" and "sequelite" (/'siː.kwəl/ and /'siː.kwəˌlaÉȘt/, respectively) across 12 years and 6 companies (from FAANG to YC startups in SF and NYC)
jitl | 1 comment | 3 days ago
The OP failed to mention that SQLite does have opt-in strict tables that enforce types, you just need to do `CREATE TABLE name (stuff TEXT) STRICT`, see

Like journal mode being ROLLBACK by default instead of WAL, foreign key constraints being off by default, tables being lax by default is part of SQLite’s dedication to backwards compatibility.

avinassh | 1 comment | 3 days ago
> The OP failed to mention that SQLite does have opt-in strict tables

I did not, but probably I did not phrase correctly:

> Strong typed columns are opt-in.

jitl | 1 comment | 3 days ago
You write:

> 18. I hate that it doesn’t have types. It’s totally YOLO:

In the point where you say that you didn’t mention STRICT mode, which seems to directly address your complaint.

avinassh | 1 comment | 3 days ago
That sentence builds up on the previously mentioned sentence about types.

> It is “weakly typed”. SQLite calls it “type affinity”. Meaning you can insert whatever in a column even though you have defined a type. Strong typed columns are opt-in

and then I call it

> I hate that it doesn’t have types. It’s totally YOLO

ghusbands | 0 comments | 2 days ago
That's simply self-contradictory, as written. You say that it has (opt-in) types, then say that it doesn't have types. You could say "I hate that it doesn't have types by default", but it would be even more accurate to say "I hate that it doesn't enforce types by default", since it does have types, both strict and not.
drzaiusx11 | 2 comments | 3 days ago
I worked with Richard Hipp on a project to integrate his query engine into a custom scripting language with persistent storage for embedded devices (think c#'s linq but backed by flash storage).

He was a pleasure to work with and it seemed he made a decent living just off of support contracts for projects like this. One of the few one-man-shops that really, really worked out.

Tempest1981 | 1 comment | 3 days ago
I think I would have serious imposter syndrome. What was that like?
drzaiusx11 | 1 comment | 19 hours ago
I was still just a "kid" at the time (early 20s, I'm over 40 now for context) so I was just excited to be working with folks that seemed to know what they were doing (as I clearly didn't.) Every day I was excited to go to work and absorb as much as I could. Richard and the other seniors were never condescending and everyone was able to communicate the inner workings of their systems to a naive kid straight out of college.

The same project (nTAG Interactive LLC) also involved Brian Silverman who famously made a Babbage style mechanical computer capable of playing tick tac toe using only tinker toys for construction while he was still attending university. He also created the original Lego "computing brick" which ran Logo, a lisp-adjacent language, via interpreter/pcode vm he wrote using HC11 ASM (and later he ported to PIC for the "Cricket" robotics controller.) That brick project spun off into what is today Lego Mindstorms. So I've had the privilege of working with some very creative and intelligent folks over the years.

I had only stumbled into the opportunity by way of working as an assistant at my local university's robotics lab (to help pay for undergrad) when my professor thought I would be a good fit for the MIT Media Lab startup opening.

The job was a tremendously fun time and to this day I still think of it as my "favorite" work experience. Sadly, as with most startups, ours didn't make it when funding dried up, so the fun eventually ended. To be honest, I've been involved with a number of other early stage startups (and various larger size orgs) since and none have come close to the experience. There truly isn't anything better than being surrounded by folks who are masters at their craft and are willing to help you learn.

Tempest1981 | 0 comments | 7 hours ago
Appreciate you taking the time to share -- it's great to hear about the rich experiences... even if business aspect didn't make everyone rich.
Imustaskforhelp | 2 comments | 3 days ago
ooh very interesting , could you share the link ?

I am interested in a thing where the whole programming language / program stack and everything is stored in the memory so you can have a language where it can run from where it was paused , inspired by some comment on some other hackernews thread . I had spent some of my weekends trying it but no use

drzaiusx11 | 0 comments | 19 hours ago
What you're describing is exactly how early versions of PalmOS worked as they just kept parts of the OS in static ram so you always continue applications exactly how you left them.
392 | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Sounds like you'd be interested in
TekMol | 5 comments | 3 days ago
My latest favorite fun fact about SQLite is that it is not only my favorite SQL database, but also my favorite NoSql database.

Since 2024, all my new database tables have only one column. Everything just goes into one single JSON column, which I always call "data".

    SELECT>>'name' city_name,>>'name' country_name
    FROM cities
    JOIN countries
         ON>'id' =>'country_id'
I looked around a bit if some NoSql database would make this easier. But it turned out no, even now that I only use Json everywhere, SQLite is still the best tool.
actuallyalys | 1 comment | 3 days ago
I’m curious what the reasoning behind having no id or key column. Do you use indexed expressions to index JSON fields? Do you use Rowid for certain queries? Or do you not bother with indexes?

My understanding is that NoSQL databases still have indexes and it seems like using SQLite as you demonstrate could be worse in that regard.

TekMol | 1 comment | 3 days ago

    reasoning behind having no id or key column
The entries in the data column already have an id field. What would be an upside of having another id in a column? It seems that only complicates things and has the potential for invalid states (different id in the id column than in the json field).

So far I have not used indexes because things are fast enough as they are. I would expect that when I need more speed, I can easily add indexes on expressions.

Why do you expect SQLite indexes on expressions to be worse than what NoSQL databases do for indexing?

actuallyalys | 1 comment | 2 days ago
I wouldn’t suggest duplicating the id field, but moving from the data field.

> Why do you expect SQLite indexes on expressions to be worse than what NoSQL databases do for indexing?

I don’t have a concrete reason. It’s just that indexes on expressions are not intended as the main index for a SQLite database to my knowledge. Having thought about it more and read the page on expression indexes more thoroughly[0], I think it’s probably unlikely to be a noticeable downside.

The only remaining downside is that the item being indexed might be outright missing, but it sounds like that’s basically a feature in your case, as you’re opting for flexibility.


TekMol | 0 comments | 22 hours ago
What do you mean by "the item being indexed might be outright missing"? What is "item" here?
RadiozRadioz | 1 comment | 3 days ago
> Since 2024

So you have only just started doing this

breakingcups | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Well, they did say "latest". 2024 has also been going for 364 days now.
timewizard | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Have you used indexes on any of these tables? I see that it can be done but I'm curious as to how that plays out. Any hints?
rafram | 2 comments | 3 days ago
But why?
advisedwang | 0 comments | 3 days ago
To get the worst of both worlds
TekMol | 1 comment | 3 days ago
Multiple reasons. Let me start with one: Flexibility.

I can add a new attribute the very moment I create a new row.

When I want to add "not_available_before: 2026" to a car, I can do that right away. No need to alter the table and add a new column.

rafram | 2 comments | 3 days ago
That just seems like it encourages bad practices. There’s nothing but upside to tracking your schema changes.
TekMol | 1 comment | 3 days ago
What do you mean by "tracking"? So far, we have not talked about tracking anything. Only about how to add a new field.

I just named a downside of the columns approach: It slows things down.

Being able to add add fields faster leads to faster experimentation and development.

Althorion | 2 comments | 3 days ago
I mean, sometime along the way you’re going to have something that consumes the data (otherwise, why bother keeping it in the first place), and that something will have certain expectations about the way things are structured.

It will probably become a good idea then to have some clue as to what structure used to be at one point or the other, and for that you’d want to keep track as to what got added/removed and when.

If it’s a very early stage in the development, and you don’t expect any of the current data to survive to the final version, I guess that’s fine. But when you have an actual running product that has to keep running, dealing with the multiple versions of the data scheme is a pain, and dealing with the multiple untracked versions of the data scheme is a pain squared.

jitl | 0 comments | 2 days ago
I use a lot of JSON columns w/ SQLite and find a programming language type is a great way to specify schema for such a column without having to write any migrations. No one has written a sternly worded comment at me on the internet yet for adding or removing fields from my struct types without writing a separate migration file.

Lots of use-cases for SQLite are not like Big Iron SQL Database Of Record where every change must be tracked because it's a shared stateful single point of failure and there's hell to pay for mistakes or confusion.

TekMol | 1 comment | 3 days ago
How does "have some clue as to what structure used to be at one point or the other" relate to the topic of columns vs json fields?
Althorion | 1 comment | 3 days ago
It is what they meant by ‘tracking’, which is what you’ve asked about.
TekMol | 1 comment | 3 days ago
I have the feeling you both are confusing your development workflow around database structure with the structure itself.

You seem to think that using columns somehow results in some type of automatic "tracking" (versioning?) of something.

Althorion | 1 comment | 3 days ago
Not quite. We are saying that adding `not_available_before: 2026`, or similar, ‘right away’ is usually not a good thing; therefore anything that helps with doing that is not something we desire.

It should be a multistep process. Yes, it will waste time now, but it will save it in a long run.

TekMol | 0 comments | 22 hours ago
How will it save time in the long run?
MrLeap | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Cognitive overhead is a cost!
rob137 | 0 comments | 3 days ago
What are the most obvious downsides to this approach?
agilob | 1 comment | 3 days ago
One interesting fact is that for one release of SQLite the team worked on lots of micro-optimisations that resulted in speed up of even 50%
tiffanyh | 1 comment | 3 days ago
The perf visual, by release:

The bulk of the gains happened between 2013-2017.

didgetmaster | 2 comments | 3 days ago
Did they stop thinking of performance gains as a priority after 2017? The improvements have been very weak since then. Just wondering if they ran out of low hanging fruit or if they just didn't think it was important anymore.
x-complexity | 0 comments | 3 days ago
> Just wondering if they ran out of low hanging fruit or if they just didn't think it was important anymore.

It's very much likely that the low hanging fruit's been picked clean, rather than the latter.

Take for example: You're given a bog standard codebase with no performance optimizations. It can be for whatever application, library, or service you could think of.

Running down the list of (increasingly not) obvious improvements:

- Removing duplicate work

- Multi-processing & multi-threading

- (if supported) Async I/O to remove I/O blocking

- Substituting data structures for more compact representations

- Understanding CPU caches & increasing cache hits

- (Very high effort - only as a last resort) Move to a compiled high perf language (C, Zig, Rust, etc.)

- (If applicable) Eliminating pointer use in code to prevent cache misses

- (If applicable) SIMD vectorization

- (If applicable) GPU processing

And each one of the above can only be done a certain amount of times: Once the improvement's been made, you can't gain the same boost by implementing it again exactly as before.

This isn't even mentioning that there's a base amount of work that needs to be done for a given task: Adding 2 numbers together requires at least 1 add instruction in x86 assembly, and you can't have 0 instructions.

What we're seeing here is that SQLite's hitting the floor: They likely can't go lower than this without a breakthrough in algorithms.

83457 | 1 comment | 3 days ago
Mass adoption of SSDs may explain the change.
agilob | 0 comments | 3 days ago
the metric is in CPU cycles, not IOPS
SigmundA | 2 comments | 3 days ago
> So DRH asked the question: what if the database just worked without any server? This was an innovative idea back then.

Strange my recollection of the time was file based databases were much more popular. FoxPro, Access (jet) and Dbase where all in wide use in 90's and early 2000's and ran a lot of business software using network file shares instead of a database server.

vidarh | 7 comments | 3 days ago
Indeed, you're right - there was a multitude of products like that, and linked in libraries for managing databases.

That said, I'm not aware of anyone doing that with SQL before SQLite. Though I might well have missed some.

SigmundA | 0 comments | 3 days ago
The Access database engine used SQL, it's how I got started using the language in the mid 90's.

It wasn't just used by MS Access, its was used from VB and other languages because it was just an ODBC/OLEDB driver.

FoxPro looks like it supported SQL in V2 in 1991

Kwpolska | 1 comment | 3 days ago
colejohnson66 | 1 comment | 3 days ago
Access is indeed an RDBMS, but it did not originally support SQL.
SigmundA | 0 comments | 2 days ago
Here is an example straight out of the MS access 1.0 introduction to programming from 1992, page 100, brings back some memories:

> You can also create a Dynaset variable using an SQL string instead of the name of an existing table or query:

Dim db As Database, dsSomeData As Dynaset, SQL

Set db = OpenDatabase("NWIND.MDB")

SQL = "SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE Employees![City] = 'London';"

Set dsSomeData = db.CreateDynaset(SQL)

It had a nice visual builder for queries took me a while to appreciate writing them in SQL, many people never knew it was in there.

emmelaich | 0 comments | 3 days ago
There is/was

There were also minimalist SQL interfaces to say BerkeleyDB and DBM around.

It was a rival of MySQL for a while. The article says "mSQL was the first low-cost SQL-based database management system" but notes citation needed. Certainly matches my memory though.

Home page:

[I thought it could run serverless but maybe that was very early versions if at all]

litoE | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Unify was also serverless. It handled multiple concurrent writing processes and supported SQL. We were using it in the 1985-1990 timeframe.
beagle3 | 1 comment | 3 days ago
Borland’s Interbase.

I also vaguely remember an optional SQL interface for Btrieve circa 1990, but I might be mistaken.

neverartful | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Interbase is still around and it can store the entire database in a single file or across multiple files. There are also 3 versions of it available: IBLite (in process DB engine), IB-To-Go (in process DB engine), and Interbase (server based).
whartung | 0 comments | 3 days ago
GUPTA SQLBase was another popular embedded database.

We had it in an application written in C.

chasil | 0 comments | 3 days ago
dBase IV had a SQL implementation. I never used it.

danpalmer | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Yeah this one stuck out to me. I had thought that SQLite was probably inspired by BerkeleyDB which came out in 1994. That’s key value not relational, but the idea of a local, embedded database was not new.
threatofrain | 0 comments | 3 days ago
I've been using SQLite for quick prototyping and as a log dump for later aggregation, but one thing I've found is that it's easy to accidentally want multi-writer in today's multi-service world. That's repeatedly been my biggest stumbling block, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's the foremost reason for others to "outgrow" sqlite.
pavel_lishin | 1 comment | 3 days ago
I thought to myself, "surely 'insane' is a bit of hyperbole...", and, no, it's not.

> This is one my favorite lore. SQLite had to default prefix from sqlite_ to etilqs_ when users started calling developers in the middle of the night

monktastic1 | 1 comment | 3 days ago
In case anyone else was mildly confused by the wording, it seems the author simply missed a few words: "had to change the default prefix from..."
avinassh | 0 comments | 3 days ago
oops, I fixed the typo. Thank you!
agilob | 1 comment | 3 days ago
>But, unlike most databases, SQLite has a single writer model.

As opposed to Redis (mentioned one line above the quote) which also is single-threaded?

zbentley | 0 comments | 2 days ago
Single-writer is orthogonal to single-threaded. Single threaded systems can and do allow multiple concurrent writes to proceed, e.g. via interleaving, write batching/combining, asynchronous I/O.
andypants | 0 comments | 3 days ago
> This was also changed recently in 2010 by adding WAL mode.

2010 is closer to sqlite's creation than today, not very recent

kerblang | 2 comments | 3 days ago
> D. Richard Hipp (DRH) was building software for the USS Oscar Austin, a Navy destroyer. The existing software would just stop working whenever the server went down (this was in the 2000s). For a battleship, this was unacceptable.

Maybe it's a nitpick, but a destroyer is not a battleship. The latter weren't even in service in the 2000's.

kstrauser | 1 comment | 3 days ago
As a Navy veteran, I agree with you. As a descriptivist, I can accept someone referring to a destroyer, carrier, gator freighter, or anything else that carries lots of armament a "battle ship".
kerblang | 0 comments | 3 days ago
avinassh | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Both the words "Battleship" and "War ship" are used by DRH to describe USS Oscar Austin, so I used the same.

I did not know about distinction, so TIL!

throw0101d | 0 comments | 3 days ago
> Since SQLite is used extensively in every smartphone, and there are more than 4.0 billion (4.0e9) smartphones in active use, each holding hundreds of SQLite database files, it is seems likely that there are over one trillion (1e12) SQLite databases in active use.

I find the scientific notation of the counts amusing given the sometimes different meanings of "billion" and "trillion" (especially with English as a second language):



* (bonus: on French numbers)

juneyi | 0 comments | 3 days ago
i really enjoyed reading this post. people are really critical here...
hakcermani | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Big fan of Sqlite and DRH. Wondering what the succession plan for sqlite is ? May DRH live long and prosper though !
panzi | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Why is much of this in images? Images without alt text even!
allo37 | 1 comment | 3 days ago
Another interesting way they make money is security: SEE costs a pretty penny. Worth it though, IME.
hellcow | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Interesting. So it's an "open core" model.
Tolexx | 1 comment | 3 days ago
I like the Code of Ethics rules. It really resonates with me.
swat535 | 0 comments | 2 days ago
As a Catholic, I appreciate how Christian it is of course but I would be surprised if other people, especially atheists felt the same. I’m wondering how it hasn’t come under scrutiny yet?
red_admiral | 0 comments | 3 days ago
If you doubt that 10x coders exist, we just found some in the SQLite project.
lambdaone | 1 comment | 3 days ago
What's the reasoning behind the 10^12 instances claim? It is based on something like 20^9 mobile devices, each with 50 apps, each with an SQLite database?

Or some other calculation?

avinassh | 0 comments | 3 days ago
this is how SQLite page says:

> Since SQLite is used extensively in every smartphone, and there are more than 4.0 billion (4.0e9) smartphones in active use, each holding hundreds of SQLite database files, it is seems likely that there are over one trillion (1e12) SQLite databases in active use.

nextworddev | 0 comments | 2 days ago
SQLite is probably the best client side caching solution I have found. Breeze to use for most crud scenarios.
qwertox | 1 comment | 3 days ago
> SQLite takes backward compatibility very seriously - All releases of SQLite version 3 can read and write database files created by the very first SQLite 3 release (version 3.0.0) going back to 2004-06-18.

This is so remarkable and reminds me of my troubles with MongoDB and specially InfluxDB.

My MongoDBs are mostly still on 4.4 because of the complicated upgrade path (mostly related to the Python drivers), and InfluxDB is now officially split into 1.x and 2.x for me, where I have no plans for upgrading. And I specially will keep my hands off of 3.x because I've learned my lesson.

JonChesterfield | 1 comment | 3 days ago
This has the nice effect that fossil, the source control system built on sqlite, will open repos one hasn't looked at for years without trouble. I suspect lots of software works very much better in practice because they chose sqlite as the storage layer somewhere in the distant past.
ghusbands | 0 comments | 2 days ago
Being able to open decades-old repos is very much the norm for widely-used version control systems.
Svoka | 1 comment | 3 days ago
Can't stop laughing from TIMMYSTAMP.
gs17 | 0 comments | 3 days ago
I enjoy that SPONGEBLOB really sort of works.
BobbyTables2 | 3 comments | 3 days ago
SQLite write locking should be the poster-child of how to incorrectly implement concurrency in the absolute worst possible way.
ElectricalUnion | 1 comment | 3 days ago
If you have constant, multiple, concurrent writes on a non-append-only database, it is bound to perform poorly no matter what database you pick. SQLite in this case nicely points out that you probably have a major architectural issue in your application.

On more productive notes:

* Are you using WAL mode?

* Are you using Batch inserts/updates/upserts?

* Are you using `BEGIN IMMEDIATE` when you need DML? Suddenly upgrading from autocommit mode or `BEGIN DEFERRED` "DQL" transactions to `BEGIN IMMEDIATE` "DML" ones implicitly by suddenly starting DML on what used to be a sequence of DQL queries is bad on any database, but worse on SQLite;

wolfgang42 | 1 comment | 3 days ago
> If you have constant, multiple, concurrent writes on a non-append-only database, it is bound to perform poorly no matter what database you pick.

This is obviously incorrect, since Postgres can handle more than one simultaneous write transaction just fine. The rest of your post is accurate, but this is an intentional design decision to simplify SQLite’s implementation, not some fundamental limitation.

colejohnson66 | 0 comments | 3 days ago
PostgreSQL is also a server/client model
LinuxAmbulance | 1 comment | 3 days ago
Not familiar with database concurrency implementations, how does it get it wrong vs say, MySQL?
tobyhinloopen | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Idk, MySQL will just fail horribly in some way in my experience. I must be using it wrong hah
ryanianian | 0 comments | 3 days ago
Please elaborate.