FFmpeg School of Assembly Language
https://github.com/FFmpeg/asm-lessons/blob/main/lesson_01/index.mdBy davikr at
computerbuster | 3 comments | 12 hours ago
As I'm seeing in the comments here, the usefulness of handwritten SIMD ranges from "totally unclear" to "mission critical". I'm seeing a lot on the "totally unclear" side, but not as much on the "mission critical", so I'll talk a bit about that.
FFmpeg is a pretty clear use case because of how often it is used, but I think it is easier to quantify the impact of handwriting SIMD with something like dav1d, the universal production AV1 video decoder.
dav1d is used pretty much everywhere, from major browsers to the Android operating system (superseding libgav1). A massive element of dav1d's success is its incredible speed, which is largely due to how much of the codebase is handwritten SIMD.
While I think it is a good thing that languages like Zig have built-in SIMD support, there are some use cases where it becomes necessary to do things by hand because even a potential performance delta is important to investigate. There are lines of code in dav1d that will be run trillions of times in a single day, and they need to be as fast as possible. The difference between handwritten & compiler-generated SIMD can be up to 50% in some cases, so it is important.
I happen to be somewhat involved in similar use cases, where things I write will run a lot of times. To make sure these skills stay alive, resources like the FFmpeg school of assembly language are pretty important, in my opinion.
cornstalks | 0 comments | 4 hours ago
dundarious | 0 comments | 8 hours ago
GCC and Clang support the vector_size attribute and overloaded arithmetic operators on those "vectorized" types, and a LOT more besides -- in fact, that's how intrinsics like _mm256_mul_ps are implemented: `#define _mm256_mul_ps(a,b) (__m256)((v8sf)(a) * (v8sf)(b))`. The utility of all of that is much, much greater than what's available in Zig.
zbobet2012 | 0 comments | 9 hours ago
kierank | 5 comments | 10 hours ago
Ask me anything.
ilyagr | 1 comment | 3 hours ago
If it's so heavy in assembly, the fact that ffmpeg works on my Mac seems like a miracle. Is it ported by hand?
saagarjha | 0 comments | 25 minutes ago
cnt-dracula | 2 comments | 9 hours ago
I have a question, as someone who can just about read assembly but still do not intuitively understand how to write or decompose ideas to utilise assembly, do you have any suggestions to learn / improve this?
As in, at what point would someone realise this thing can be sped up by using assembly? If one found a function that would be really performant in assembly how do you go about writing it? Would you take the output from a compiler that's been converted to assembly or would you start from scratch? Does it even matter?
qingcharles | 1 comment | 8 hours ago
For instance, I used to work on graphics renderers. You'd find the bit that was called the most (writing lines of pixels to the screen) and try to jiggle the order of the instructions to decrease the number of cycles used to move X bits from system RAM to graphics RAM.
When I was doing it, branching (usually checking an exit condition on a loop) was the biggest performance killer. The CPU couldn't queue up instructions past the check because it didn't know whether it was going to go true or false until it got there.
booi | 1 comment | 4 hours ago
kaslai | 0 comments | 24 minutes ago
otteromkram | 0 comments | 7 hours ago
I don't know assembly, but my advice would be to take the rote route by rewriting stuff in assembly.
Just like anything else, there's no quick path to the finish line (unless you're exceptionally gifted), so putting in time is always the best action to take.
HALtheWise | 0 comments | 7 hours ago
christiangenco | 0 comments | 9 hours ago
Hi thank you for writing this!
qingcharles | 5 comments | 8 hours ago
Can we not just write tests and have some LLM try 10,000 different algorithms and profile the results?
Or is an LLM unlikely to find the optimal solution even with 10,000 random seeds?
Just asking. Optimizing x86 by hand isn't the easiest, because to think through it you start to have to try and fit all the registers in your mind and work through the combinations. Also you need to know how long each instruction combination will take; and some of these instructions have weird edge cases that take vastly longer or quicker to run that is hard for a human to take into account.
saagarjha | 0 comments | 22 minutes ago
danybittel | 0 comments | 3 hours ago
magicalhippo | 0 comments | 5 hours ago
Like, I should be able to give the compiler a hot loop and a week, and see what it can come up with.
One potential pitfall I can see is that there are a lot of non-local interactions in moderns systems. We have large out-of-order buffers, many caching layers, complex branch predictors, and an OS running other tasks at the same time, and a dozen other things.
What is optimal on paper might not be optimal in the real world.
Daniel_Van_Zant | 19 comments | 15 hours ago
msaltz | 0 comments | 14 hours ago
I actually quite like coding in assembly now (though I haven’t done much more than the tutorial, just made an array library that I could call from C). I think it’s so fun because at that level there’s very little magic left - you’re really saying exactly what should happen. What you see is mostly what you get. It also helped me understand linking a lot better and other things that I understood at a high level but still felt fuzzy on some details.
Am now interested to check out this ffmpeg tutorial bc it’s x86 and not ARM :)
saagarjha | 0 comments | 20 minutes ago
btown | 0 comments | 13 hours ago
I remember a university course where we competed on who could have the most performant assembly program for a specific task; everyone tried various variants of loop unrolling to eke out the best performance and guide the processor away from bad branch predictions. I may or may not have hit Ballmer Peak the night before the due date and tried a setup that most others missed, and won the competition by a hair!
There’s also the incredible joy of seeing https://github.com/chrislgarry/Apollo-11 and quipping “this is a Unix system; I know this!” Knowing how to read the language of how we made it to the moon will never fade in wonder.
Short answer: yes!
crq-yml | 0 comments | 12 hours ago
It isn't a thing to be scared of - assembly is verbose, not complex. Everything you do in it needs load and store, load and store, millions of times. When you add some macros and build-time checks, or put it in the context of a Forth system(which wraps an interpreter around "run chunks of assembly", enabling interactive development and scripting) - it's not that far off from C, and it removes the magic of the compiler.
I'm an advocate for going retro with it as well; an 8-bit machine in an emulator keeps the working model small, in a well-documented zone, and adds constraints that make it valuable to think about doing more tasks in assembly, which so often is not the case once you are using a 32-bit or later architecture and you have a lot of resources to throw around. People who develop in assembly for work will have more specific preferences, but beginners mostly need an environment where the documentation and examples are good. Rosetta Code has some good assembly language examples that are worth using as a way to learn.
brown | 1 comment | 14 hours ago
renox | 0 comments | 34 minutes ago
For example, an HLL pointer is different from an assembly pointer(1). Sure the HLL pointer will be lowered to an assembly language pointer eventually but it still has a different semantic.
1: because you're relying on the compiler to use efficiently the registers, HLL pointers must be restricted otherwise programs would be awfully slow as soon as you'd use one pointer.
daeken | 0 comments | 14 hours ago
sigbottle | 0 comments | 11 hours ago
Compilers have debug symbols, you can tune optimization levels, etc. so it's hopefully not too scary of a mess once you objdump it, but I've seen people both use their assembly knowledge at work and get rewarded handsomely for it.
anta40 | 0 comments | 5 hours ago
When lockdown started in 2020, I thought working from home would give me more spare time, thus enrolled those classes on Udemy.
I'm a mobile app dev (Java/Kotlin), and assembly is practically irrelevant for daily use cases.
ghhrjfkt4k | 0 comments | 14 hours ago
The library sqrt handles all kinds of edge-cases which prevent the compiler from autovectorizing it.
jwr | 0 comments | 10 hours ago
mobiledev2014 | 0 comments | 9 hours ago
The most popular are the Zachtronics games and Tomorrow Corp games. They’re so so good!
colanderman | 0 comments | 13 hours ago
nevi-me | 0 comments | 14 hours ago
A few years ago I embarked on learning ARM assembly, I also got far, but I found it more laborious somehow. x64 is just too much for me to want to learn.
pjmlp | 0 comments | 14 hours ago
Nowadays most of that can be done with intrinsics, which were already present in some 1960's system programming languages, predating UNIX for a decade.
Modern Assembly is too complex, it is probably easier to target retrogaming, or virtual consoles, if the purpose is having fun.
kevingadd | 0 comments | 13 hours ago
Of course, most applications probably never need optimization to that degree, so it's still kind of a niche skill.
bitwize | 0 comments | 14 hours ago
YZF | 0 comments | 14 hours ago
gostsamo | 0 comments | 13 hours ago
dinkumthinkum | 0 comments | 10 hours ago
jupp0r | 1 comment | 14 hours ago
frontfor | 1 comment | 6 hours ago
> To make multimedia processing fast. It’s very common to get a 10x or more speed improvement from writing assembly code, which is especially important when wanting to play videos in real time without stuttering.
TinkersW | 0 comments | 46 minutes ago
Personally I'd say the only good reason to use assembly over intrinsics is having control over calling convention, for example the windows CC is absolute trash and wastes many SIMD registers.
wruza | 0 comments | 10 hours ago
fulafel | 0 comments | 2 hours ago
slicktux | 0 comments | 16 hours ago
lukaslalinsky | 0 comments | 16 hours ago
imglorp | 9 comments | 16 hours ago
jsheard | 2 comments | 16 hours ago
You might see a 10x difference if you compare meticulously optimized assembly to naive C in cases where vectorization is possible but the compiler fails to capitalize on that, which is often, because auto-vectorization still mostly sucks beyond trivial cases. It's not really a surprise that expert code runs circles around naive code though.
CyberDildonics | 1 comment | 13 hours ago
I can get far more than 10x over naive C just by reordering memory accesses. With SIMD it can be 7x more, but that can be done with ISPC, it doesn't need to be done with asm.
magicalhippo | 0 comments | 5 hours ago
However you can write better than naive C by compiling and watching the compiler output.
I stopped writing assembly back around y2k as I was fairly consistently getting beaten by the compiler when I wrote compiler-friendly high-level code. Memory organization is also something you can control fairly well on the high-level code side too.
Sure some niches remained, but for my projects the gains were very modest compared to invested time.
UltraSane | 3 comments | 15 hours ago
Narishma | 0 comments | 15 hours ago
schainks | 2 comments | 15 hours ago
TL;DR They want to squeeze every drop of performance out of the CPU when processing media, and maintaining a mixture of intrinsics code and assembly is not worth the trade off when doing 100% assembly offers better performance guarantees, readability, and ease of maintenance / onboarding of developers.
astrange | 0 comments | 10 hours ago
There is just a little bit of intrinsics code in ffmpeg, which I wrote, that does memory copies.
It's like this because we didn't want to hide the memory accesses from the compiler, because that hurts optimization, as well as memory tools like ASan.
brigade | 0 comments | 13 hours ago
Nowadays the impact of suboptimal register allocation and addressing calculations of compilers is almost unmeasurable between having 16/32 registers available and CPUs that are 8-10 wide in the frontend but only 3-4 vector units in the backend. But the added complexity of newer codecs has strained their use of the nasm/gas macro systems to be far less readable or maintainable than intrinsics. Like, think of how unmaintainable complex C macros are and double that.
And it's not uncommon to find asm in ffmpeg or related projects written suboptimally in a way a compiler wouldn't, either because the author didn't fully read/understand CPU performance manuals or because rewriting/twisting the existing macros to fix a small suboptimality is more work than it's worth.
(yes, I have written some asm for ffmpeg in the past)
oguz-ismail | 3 comments | 15 hours ago
jsheard | 1 comment | 15 hours ago
oguz-ismail | 1 comment | 15 hours ago
Nah. I find well commented three column AT&T assembly with light use of C preprocessor macros easier and more enjoyable to read.
Inityx | 1 comment | 13 hours ago
saagarjha | 0 comments | 18 minutes ago
t-3 | 0 comments | 11 hours ago
xgkickt | 0 comments | 9 hours ago
lukaslalinsky | 2 comments | 16 hours ago
PaulDavisThe1st | 1 comment | 14 hours ago
Not really a fair comment. They are entirely normal code in most senses. They differ in one important way: they are (frequently) perfect examples of where "single instruction, multiple data" completely makes sense. "Do this to every sample" is the order of the day, and that is a bit odd when compared with text processing or numerical computation.
But this is true of the majority of signal processing, not just codecs. As simple a thing as increasing the volume of an audio data stream means multiplying every sample by the same value - more or less the definition of SIMD.
astrange | 0 comments | 10 hours ago
bad_username | 0 comments | 13 hours ago
Codecs are pretty normal code. You can get decent performance by just writing quality idiomatic C or C++, even without asm. (I implemented a commercial x.264 codec and worked on a bunch of audio codecs.)
variadix | 1 comment | 15 hours ago
astrange | 0 comments | 10 hours ago
warble | 1 comment | 16 hours ago
I work on bare metal embedded systems though, so maybe there's some nuance when working with bigger OS libs?
umanwizard | 0 comments | 12 hours ago
1propionyl | 0 comments | 16 hours ago
Put more simply: a C compiler can't infer from a plain C implementation that you're trying to do certain mathematics that could alternately be expressed more efficiently with SIMD intrinsics. It doesn't have access to your knowledge about the mathematics you're trying to do.
There are also target specific considerations. A compiler is, necessarily, a general purpose compiler. Problems like resource (e.g. register) allocation are NP-complete (equivalent to knapsack) and very few people want their compiler to spend hours upon hours searching for the absolute most optimal (if indeed you can even know that statically...) asmgen.
bob1029 | 1 comment | 15 hours ago
You can go nuclear option with your static compilations and turn on all the optimizations everywhere, but this kills inner loop iteration speed. I believe there are aspects of some dynamic compiling runtimes that can make them superior to static compilations - even if we don't care how long the build takes.
astrange | 0 comments | 10 hours ago
In ffmpeg's case you can just always be the correct thing.
epolanski | 3 comments | 16 hours ago
Essentially people think they are writing low level code, in reality that's not how CPUs interpret that code, so he explained how writing manual assembly kills performance pretty much always (at least on modern x86).
saagarjha | 0 comments | 15 minutes ago
iforgotpassword | 0 comments | 15 hours ago
If you know it really well, have already optimized everything on an algorithmic level and have code that can benefit from simd, 10x is real.
FarmerPotato | 0 comments | 14 hours ago
I've used Intel's icc compiler and profiler tools in an iterative fashion. A compiler like Intel's might be made to profile cache misses, pipeline utilization, branches, stalls, and supposedly improve in the next compilation.
The assembly programmer has to consider those factors. Sure would be nice to have a computer check those things!
In the old days, we only worried about cycle counts, wait states, and number of instructions.
jki275 | 2 comments | 16 hours ago
CyberDildonics | 0 comments | 13 hours ago
1propionyl | 2 comments | 16 hours ago
Compilers today are liable in most circumstances to know many more tricks than you do. Especially if you make use of hints (e.g. "this memory is almost always accessed sequentially", "this branch is almost never taken", etc) to guide it.
astrange | 0 comments | 10 hours ago
jki275 | 0 comments | 14 hours ago
But I suspect there are cases where the super experts exist who can do things better.
ajross | 0 comments | 11 hours ago
But when the human and compiler are not faced with the same problem...
Say, if your compiler doesn't support autovectorization and/or your C code isn't friendly to the idiom, then sure: a 10x difference in performance between a hand-optimized SIMD implementation and a naive scalar one fed to a C compiler is probably about right.
foresto | 2 comments | 13 hours ago
I find that sentence confusing.
I assume that i.e is supposed to be i.e., but What is *(* supposed to mean? Shouldn't that be just an open parenthesis?
In what context would *sizeof(*src) be considered valid? As far as I know, sizeof never yields a pointer.
I get the impression that someone sprinkled random asterisks in that sentence, or maybe tried to mix asterisks-denoting-italics with C syntax.
kevingadd | 0 comments | 13 hours ago
sweeter | 1 comment | 11 hours ago
foresto | 1 comment | 5 hours ago
Nitpicking aside, the result of sizeof(*src) would be the size of the object at which the pointer points. The type of that result is size_t. That's what makes this code from the lesson I quoted invalid:
That first asterisk tries to dereference the result of sizeof as though it were a pointer, but it's a size_t: an unsigned integer type. Not a pointer.
sweeter | 1 comment | 5 hours ago
foresto | 0 comments | 5 hours ago
fracus | 0 comments | 14 hours ago
xuhu | 2 comments | 16 hours ago
But then again no-one is adjusting timestamps manually in batch scripts, so a high-level script on top of filter_complex doesn't have much purpose.
chgs | 0 comments | 13 hours ago
pdyc | 0 comments | 16 hours ago
agumonkey | 0 comments | 16 hours ago
thayne | 8 comments | 15 hours ago
One thing that confuses me is the opposition to inline asm. It seems like inline asm would be more efficient than having to make a function call to an asm function.
PaulDavisThe1st | 2 comments | 15 hours ago
Ardour's own code doesn't do very much DSP (it's a policy choice), but one thing that our own code does do is metering: comparing a current sample value to every previous sample value in a given audio data stream within a given time window to decide if it is higher (or lower) than the previous max (or min).
When someone stepped forward (hi Sampo!) to code this in hand-written SIMD assembler, we got a 30% reduction in CPU usage when using mid-sized buffers on moderate size sessions (say, 24 tracks or so).
That's a worthy tradeoff, even though it means that we now have 5 different asm versions of about half-a-dozen functions. The good news is that they don't really need to be maintained. New SIMD architectures mean new implementations, not hacks to existing code.
However, I should note that it is always very important to compare what compilers are capable of, and to keep comparing that. In the decade or more after our asm metering code was first written, gcc improved to the point where simply using C(++) and some compiler flags produced code that was within an instruction or two of our hand-crafted version (and may be more correct in the face of all possible conditions).
So ... you can get dramatic performance benefits that are worth the effort, the maintainance costs are low, you should keep checking how your code compares with today's compiler's best optimization effort.
thayne | 1 comment | 5 hours ago
The performance wins may very well be worth it, but it is still good to be aware of the tradeoff involved.
saagarjha | 0 comments | 13 minutes ago
sweeter | 0 comments | 11 hours ago
arkj | 0 comments | 15 hours ago
adgjlsfhk1 | 4 comments | 13 hours ago
sorenjan | 0 comments | 13 hours ago
renhanxue | 0 comments | 3 hours ago
Someone | 0 comments | 12 hours ago
So, chances are you’ll need to have more than one AVX2 assembly version of your code if you want to have the fastest code.
withinboredom | 0 comments | 13 hours ago
astrange | 0 comments | 10 hours ago
There is no such thing as a generic "SIMD API" it could use because it uses all specific hardware tools it can to be performant. Anyone who thinks this is posssible is simply mistaken. You can tell because none of them have written ffmpeg.
(There are some things called "array languages" or "stream processing" or "autoscalarization" that work better than SIMD - an example is ispc. But they're not a great fit here, because ffmpeg isn't massively parallel. It's just parallel enough to work.)
wffurr | 2 comments | 15 hours ago
kccqzy | 0 comments | 12 hours ago
femto | 0 comments | 12 hours ago
aidenn0 | 1 comment | 11 hours ago
jsheard | 0 comments | 10 hours ago
hereonout2 | 0 comments | 15 hours ago
They lay it out quite clearly I think, but things like libavcodec are probably one of the few types of project where the benefits of assembly outweigh the lack of portability.
I'm not sure rust or zig's support for SIMD would be the project's first complaint either. Likely more concerned with porting a 25 year old codebase to a new language first.
brigade | 1 comment | 12 hours ago
wyldfire | 0 comments | 12 hours ago
As far as C, C++ go - that's two out of three. So it's not as bad as it sounds to be "at most two".
eachro | 0 comments | 15 hours ago
Charon77 | 0 comments | 9 hours ago
krick | 0 comments | 12 hours ago
neallindsay | 0 comments | 15 hours ago
imchaz | 1 comment | 8 hours ago
thegrim33 | 1 comment | 8 hours ago
The "documentation" is a collect of 15-20 year old source samples. The vast majority of them either won't compile anymore because the API has changed, or they use 2, 3, or 4 times deprecated functions that shouldn't be used anymore. The source examples also have almost no comments explaining anything. They have super dense, super complicated code, with no comments, but then there will be a line like "setRenderSpeed(3)" or whatever and it'll have a comment: "Sets render speed to 3", the absolute most useless comment ever. The source examples are also all written in 30 year old as C-Style of C code as you can get, incredibly horribly dense, with almost no organization, have to jump up and down all over the file to find the global variables being accessed, it's just gross and barely comprehensible.
They put a lot of effort into producing doxygen documentation for everything, but the doxygen documentation is nearly useless, it just lists the API with effectively zero documentation or explanation on the functions or parameters. There's so little explanation of how to do anything. On the website they have sections for each library, and for most libraries you get 2-3 sentences of explanation on what the library is for, and that's it. That's the extent the entire library is documented. They just drop an undocumented massive C API split across a dozen or so libraries on you and wish you luck.
The API has also gotten absolutely wrecked over the last 20 years or however long it's been around as it has evolved. Sometimes they straight up delete functions to deprecate them, sometimes they create a new version of a function as fuction2 and then as function3, and keep all of them around, sometimes they replace a function with a completely differently named function and keep them both around, and there's absolutely nothing written anywhere about what the "right" way to do anything is, what functions you should actually be using. So many times I went down rabbit holes reading some obscure 15 year old mailing list post trying to find anyone that had successfully done something I was trying to do. And again, the obscure message board posts and documentation that does exist is almost all deprecated at this point and shouldn't be used.
Then there's the custom build system, so if you need to build it custom to support or not support different features, you can't use any modern build system, it's all custom scripts that do weird things like hardcoded dumping build output into your home directory. Makes it difficult to integrate with a modern build system.
It has so much momentum, and so many users, but man, there has to be a massive opening for someone to replace ffmpeg with a modern programming language and a modern build system, built with GPU acceleration of stuff in mind from the beginning and not tacked on top 20 years later, and not using 30 year old c-style code, and an actually documented project.
imchaz | 1 comment | 7 hours ago
imchaz | 0 comments | 7 hours ago
jancsika | 2 comments | 13 hours ago
umanwizard | 2 comments | 12 hours ago
aidenn0 | 0 comments | 11 hours ago
astrange | 1 comment | 10 hours ago
TinkersW | 0 comments | 27 minutes ago
For SIMD integer to scalar integer, it has to move into separate register, so there is some short penalty(3 cycles iir).
kccqzy | 0 comments | 12 hours ago
ej1 | 0 comments | 14 hours ago
mkoubaa | 4 comments | 15 hours ago
qingcharles | 0 comments | 8 hours ago
graypegg | 0 comments | 15 hours ago
Narishma | 0 comments | 15 hours ago
ghhrjfkt4k | 0 comments | 14 hours ago
henning | 0 comments | 16 hours ago
belter | 0 comments | 15 hours ago
sylware | 1 comment | 15 hours ago
They are abusing nasm macro-preprocessor up to obscene levels...
ryanianian | 1 comment | 15 hours ago
sylware | 2 comments | 15 hours ago
And the macro language is specific to nasm.
What to do: unroll the macros and/or use a little abstraction using a simple common macro preprocessor, aka not tied to the assembler.
And I am just doing exactly that: my x86_64 assembly code does assemble with fasm/nasm/gas with a little abstraction using a C preprocessor.
PhilipRoman | 0 comments | 15 hours ago
pengaru | 0 comments | 15 hours ago
toisanji | 2 comments | 11 hours ago
saagarjha | 0 comments | 5 minutes ago
mikestew | 0 comments | 11 hours ago
beebaween | 2 comments | 9 hours ago
Especially curious given the advent of apple metal etc.
Does anyone have recommendations?
mvdtnz | 1 comment | 8 hours ago
filleduchaos | 0 comments | 5 hours ago
The pipeline/plugin based architecture is pretty neat even as an end user, I find it a lot more discoverable.
adamnemecek | 0 comments | 9 hours ago
netr0ute | 7 comments | 16 hours ago
KeplerBoy | 0 comments | 16 hours ago
wolf550e | 1 comment | 16 hours ago
zozbot234 | 0 comments | 11 hours ago
high_na_euv | 1 comment | 16 hours ago
ksec | 0 comments | 16 hours ago
You do not criticise The Rusted Holy Grail and the Riscy Silver Bullet.
do_not_redeem | 2 comments | 16 hours ago
hagbard_c | 0 comments | 16 hours ago
snvzz | 0 comments | 16 hours ago
Only while fasting can a person think clearly. When thinking clearly, RISC-V is inevitably chosen as the ISA.
Fasting will also eventually make you hungry. Thus "RISC-V is coming to eat its lunch, FAST."